Tuesday, June 16, 2009


In the computer lab the keyboard goes click clack click clack. When you turn one the computer it goes snap. When you press the buttons on the mouse the buttons go click, click, click. When Makenzie pulls the chair out she says to much noise! So she goes to the wise librarian and says there is to much noise in the computer lab. So the wise librarian said go get a noisy group of people. Makenzie went and got a noisy group of people. But the computer lab was still to noisy. She went back to the wise librarian and said the computer lab is still to noisy. So the wise librarian said get some music for the people to dance to. But it was still to noisy. Makenzie went back and the wise librarian said get ride of the music and get ride of the noisy group of people. So Makenzie did that. But when she tiped the keyboard still went click clack click clack. When she pressed the mouse it still went click, click, click and when she turns on the computer it still goes snap!

Written by: Alyssa and Hannah
Edittors: Colin and Jessica
Seinor Edittor: Evelyn

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