Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Questions from our students To Robert Thirsk

Questions we are wondering about space:

1. Is it always dark in space?

2. How do you go to the bathroom on the space ship?

3. Did you feel sick when you lift off?

4. What is it like to work with other people?

5. Is it fun in space?

6. What do you hear in space?

7. Is it fun to play in space?

8. Does the space station have a tv?

9. Is the space station big?

10. Does it feel weard when you lifted off?

11. Is it fun to fun to flout in space?

12. Is it crowded in the space ship?

13. Do you like Earth better than space?

14. What is it like in space?

15. Do you see neat stuff in space tell us all about it?

P.S. Have a fun and safe ride back. And don’t forget about having fun doing your work.

Written by Tyler and Kayla

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