Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mr. Martian Gets Lost

Mr. Martian was a small but old Martian. He had only three eyes. He also had six legs and he had a unibrow. One day, he saw a meteor coming close to his planet. He put on his jet pack and flew to stop the meteor. He stopped it. Then his jet pack ran out and he fell to Earth. When he crash landed, he saw a sign that said that Robert Thirsk had arrived safely at the ISS. The next lift off, Julie Payette would be travelling to the ISS.

Next, Mr. Martian walked over two transports and three taxis. He walked inside a restaurant, that he thought said “Disco Party”, and since he likes dancing, he went inside and started to dance. He saw a shiny plate gleaming in the light. He walked outside and saw a big sign that said “Lift Off in 5 seconds”. So, he ran and jumped on the space capsule in order to catch a ride home.

The End

Written by: Keaton and Ray
Editor: Jessica and Tyler
Senior Editor: Evelyn


Unknown said...

I love your story and I am glad Mr. Martian made it off earth safely. Did he go home to Mars, or is he visiting on the ISS?

Anonymous said...

I like your story.